Jules Verne Journeys

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Drill Only: $1,150.00
Music Only: $2,000.00

Box 5 Show Logo
Music Selections
Genre: Contemporary
Music Grade: Medium-Advanced
Composer: Key Poulan, Shawn Glyde and Dan Bryan
Performance Time: 7:23
1. Journey to the Center of the Earth
2. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
3. Around the World in 80 Days
Drill Included Drill Sizes
Drill Designer: Serge Walsh
Total Drill Sets: 43
17 Woodwinds 15 Brass 8 Percussion 9 Guard 49 Total
23 Woodwinds 19 Brass 10 Percussion 10 Guard 62 Total
26 Woodwinds 22 Brass 10 Percussion 12 Guard 70 Total
29 Woodwinds 27 Brass 12 Percussion 15 Guard 83 Total
35 Woodwinds 29 Brass 12 Percussion 15 Guard 91 Total
37 Woodwinds 35 Brass 14 Percussion 18 Guard 104 Total
44 Woodwinds 40 Brass 16 Percussion 22 Guard 122 Total
Available Options

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Based on several works of one of history’s greatest authors and imaginers of the possible, Jules Verne Journeys brings to life the remarkable voyages that Verne set to paper that captured the imaginations of millions throughout the world. The 19th Century French author is credited with inventing the genre of science fiction, writing about travel into the heavens, under the sea and around the world long before any such voyages were possible. This show starts at the core of the earth and gradually emanates outwards to the heavens.

What's Included in the Price?

  • Site-Based Exclusivity
    • Music and Drill will be protected on a first come-first serve basis, for each contest performance location you will be attending during the current marching season. This policy will protect each band program purchasing music and/or drill with exclusivity, based on their performance schedule, providing a one-of-a-kind show at each contest location regardless of state lines.
    • Qualifying Contests excluded
  • Comprehensive Music Package
    • Most Key Poulan Music shows are available in Full Instrumentation®, Reduced Instrumentation®, and/or Simplified® wind versions, designed so that you can pick the parts from each version that work best for your band, and build exactly the instrumentation you need! ($100 extra for additional versions)
    • Our exclusive Pit by the Numbers® Percussion is designed to be used for any size front ensemble section. Choose from 3, 4 or 5 bass drums.
    • Delivered in printed format only (shipping included in price)
  • Digital Drill Design Package
    • All adaptable drill sizes included
    • PDF portfolio containing drill charts and coordinate sheets
    • Pyware files for editing (Pyware 9 or higher required)
    • Drill animation in Quicktime format